Past events


Sat 1 March

British Club AGM

It was well attended, with cheese and wine on the house.

Peter Martin stepped down from the committee after first joining it 45 years ago. He's now 85, so we encouraged him to put his feet up and John presented him with a comfy Union Jack cushion.

Union Jack cushion

Mark Killick was voted in to take the vacant post of Vice-Chair.

Margaret Myers was voted in as a new committee member. A warm welcome and many thanks!

All the business was swiftly settled, and we were able to enjoy the refreshments and the fine company, including meeting three of our newest members.



Sun 15 December

Christmas lunch

Christmas pudding

This time we relocated to a more accessible venue but with the same caterers providing a Swedish impression of a traditional Christmas turkey dinner. (Every year we ask for lots of brussels sprouts and every year they bring lots of mushrooms!)

Ah well, everyone was in festive spirit regardless: they sang in the Christmas pudding (they wouldn't go until they'd got some) and John had them all joining in with gusto to the alternative ode, The Twelve Days of Christmas Turkey.

Thur 21 November

PUB NIGHT - Scottish quiz

Highland dress on Scottish flag background

We were delighted to welcome eight guests from Gothenburg's Royal Scottish Country Dancing Society, stylishly increasing the amount of tartan in the room. The group included Nigel in a kilt, who won the "best-dressed guest" prize.

Catriona's Scottish quiz was won by team "Hamilton-McGuinness", who knew for a fact that Mary Queen of Scots was only six days old when she ascended the Scottish throne. Everyone knew what a Munro is, but not so many had heard of a Marilyn.

Robbie's fish 'n' chips went down well as usual, and we rounded off the evening by singing a farewell rendition of the Robbie Burns classic "Auld Lang Syne".

Thur 24 October

PUB NIGHT - United Nations Day quiz

United Nations card 1955

We raised a glass to efforts towards world peace, and Robbie's fish 'n' chips won universal approval. Mark gave us a tricky quiz which tested our knowledge about the rest of the world; Barbara, Staffan, Liz and David proved themselves to be the most worldly of us all.

Fri 27 September

Cheese and wine with mystery wine tasting

Unlabelled wine bottle

We kicked off the autumn season with a cheese and wine evening with three masked red wines. The guests were challenged to detect which one (according to Systembolaget) had a hint of chocolate and pepper, which best suited grilled meat dishes, which was from Chile and which was most expensive. Sheila won by a nose and Liz was close behind. The rest of us had already reached the point where we were just enjoying the wine whatever it was and whatever cheese or meat we had with it.

We had planned to taste British wines, but these turned out to be too classy for our budget. Of course there were no British fish 'n' chips either, but we were blessed with the company of our fish 'n' chips connoisseur, Robbie, who left his chip van at home and came in all his finery to let us serve him for once.

For anyone wanting a non-alcoholic alternative competition we ran the Pepsi Challenge (from the old - probably rigged - TV advert). Most of us were stumped but we all miraculously got it right, and Peter detected more bubbles in the Pepsi.

Sat 29 June

Get-together and treasure hunt in Slottsskogen

Slottskogen - Fountain at Villa Belparc

British Club and Anglo-Swedish Society members met at our favourite spot in Slottsskogen park, the terrace of the Villa Belparc bistro. We counted 35 people, an impressive turnout and a cheery event.

John's English-style treasure hunt was won by Mark, who got the full 16 points. Congratulations! He won a gift voucher generously donated by the British Shop in Gothenburg.

Runners-up were Liz and David (2nd) and Jean (3rd).

Fri 24 May

Drop-in for afternoon "fika" at Antikhallarna Latteria

Västra Hamngatan 6 (near Domkyrkan)

Antikhallarna - entrance

A pleasant meet-up with members and friends over coffee and a treat in the large café at Antikhallarna. No one seemed able to resist stopping by the British shop on the way past.

Thur 25 April

PUB NIGHT - St George's Day theme

St George's Day - England rose and flag

We tucked in to Rob's fish mornay followed by his irresistible sticky toffee pud. (There was a race for seconds, which Monica won.)

Peter's English quiz enlightened us on just how old St George is, Churchill's birthplace, those boat races on the Thames and the precise start of the Industrial Revolution, among other things. Jean and David T were the champion team, thanks to their very precise knowledge of the answers.

Thur 29 February

PUB NIGHT - Richard's Welsh quiz

flag of Wales

With the Welsh flag over the mantelpiece and the sound of Peter's spontaneous rendition of "We'll Keep a Welcome in the Hillsides", Robbie (Taste of Britain) brought us a traditional Welsh cawl (lamb & vegetable stew), which went down very well.

Richard's quiz took us on a tour of Wales, with extra points if you could get anywhere near spelling the village name Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch. Gwyneth's team won, of course!



Sun 10 December

Christmas lunch

Christmas pudding

We tucked into our Christmas turkey dinner in festive spirit. Then we sang in the Christmas pudding (they wouldn't go until they'd got some).
Nic Barnard gave a rousing rendition of The Twelve Days of Christmas Turkey.
Eileen's Christmas cake was amazing.

Thur 23 November

PUB NIGHT - Ian's railway quiz

steam locomotive in Scotland

Robert’s food truck provided burgers and chips, and Ian’s quiz took us into the world of trains and a little bit of trams, which - surprisingly - we knew quite a lot about. Ian was chuffed!

Thur 19 October

PUB NIGHT - Lars-Gunnar's traffic and border quiz

funny road sign with worker drinking

We celebrated three birthdays at once - Alan, Astrid and Barbara - and we tackled Lars-Gunnar's quiz on all the ways you can discover that you have broken the law while travelling, as well as what all those strange road signs mean. We got a lot of the answers wrong, but Lars-Gunnar let us off with a caution.

Thur 31 August


climate change globe in hand

We gathered for Robert's famous "Tast of Britain" fish & chips and a chat with old and new friends. David T gave us a challenging and interesting quiz about climate change, which Norris and Peter won, earning them a bottle of Prosecco. It was a very pleasant evening.

Sat 1 July

Get-together and treasure hunt in Slottsskogen

Slottskogen - Fountain at Villa Belparc

British Club and Anglo-Swedish Society members met at our favourite spot in Slottsskogen park, the terrace of the Villa Belparc bistro. We counted over 20 people, which was a pleasant surprise as the forecast was for a downpour.

Eight teams tackled John's English-style treasure hunt whatever the weather, competing for prizes generously donated by the British Shop in Gothenburg.

The outright winners were Liz and David, who got the full 15 points. Congratulations!

Four teams went to the tiebreaker for the second prize, won by Monica and Vivien!

The runners-up were Ben and Idun, Kirsten and Urban, and Marie-Louise and Alan.

Thur 11 May

PUB NIGHT - Coronation and 70th birthday

British Club's 70th birthday cake with bowler hat

We gathered to celebrate both the coronation of King Charles III and the British Club's 70th birthday, which meant a royal toast to start, fish & chips with king prawns in the King's honour, followed by a cake specially made for our 70th birthday.

Richard gave us an engaging quiz about Swedish-British connections over the last 70 years, which Liz's team won gallantly. Well done!

This was followed by Monica's quizlet and tribute to Alan White to celebrate his decades of work for the British Club and to present three alternative explanations for how he earned his OBE. Alan presented a fourth explanation to do with British sheep, but he still might be wanted by the Swedish State for that. Since he knew all the answers, he carried away the grand prize of a bottle of his favourite Macallan whisky.

Wed 19 April

Drop-in for lunch at Antikhallarna Latteria

Antikhallarna - entrance

The gathering was well attended, with about 18 people in the spacious café at Antikhallarna. It was a cheery occasion, which we hope to repeat before long.

Sat 25 February

British Club AGM


It was well attended, with cheese and wine on the house.

Alan White stepped down from the committee after countless years as the tireless Poppy Appeal coordinator, but he was pleased to announce that David Drake had volunteered to take over the role.

David Turner volunteered to join the committee to share Monica's secretarial duties.

George Berwick, who was affiliated to the committee as the club's postmaster, also agreed to become a full committee member.

- A warm welcome and many thanks to all three new committee members. After this refreshing news (cheers and applause were heard), we tucked into the refreshments and felt even merrier.

Thur 9 February

PUB NIGHT - St Valentine's quiz

Union Jack heart

We gathered in the jaktslott again to kick off our 2023 season, and couldn't resist getting Taste of Britain fish & chips again.

Bernadette and Barbara's St Valentine's quiz tested our ability to guess wildly; Gwyneth impressed us all by getting way more points than anyone, which clearly owed more to skill than guesswork. Well done, Gwyneth!



Sun 11 December

Christmas lunch

Christmas pudding

We tucked into our Christmas turkey dinner in festive spirit. Then we sang in the Christmas pudding (they wouldn't go until they'd got some) and John had everyone joining in with gusto to the alternative ode, The Twelve Days of Christmas Turkey.

Thur 13 October

PUB NIGHT - Fish & chips and a royal quiz


At last, we were able to descend on Drottning Kristinas jaktslott again, this time with the new committee and the intrepid bottle-washers Gwyneth, Cecilia and Annette taking good care of us. As always, Robert's (Taste of Britain) fish & chips were top class and a good time was had by all.

John gave us a royal-themed quiz and Sheila triumphantly won, giving credit to the hours she has spent reading about royals in women's magazines while waiting for a haircut. She also won the raffle, but she put that down to luck.

Sat 3 July

Summer get-together and treasure hunt in Slottsskogen

Slottskogen - Fountain at Villa Belparc

This year we were delighted to meet our fellow members and our friends from the Anglo-Swedish Society at our favourite spot in Slottsskogen park, the terrace of the Villa Belparc bistro. We counted 23 people and 2 dogs.

Nine teams boldly rose to the challenge of John's English-style treasure hunt, competing for prizes generously donated by the British Shop in Gothenburg, including chocolates and a jar of Marmite (for 4th place). Two of the teams got the full 20 points and went to the tiebreaker: Congratulations to Monica, Mike and Cecilia!

Close behind them were Kirsten and Urban, June and Iah, and Marie-Louise and Alan (who got the Marmite).

Liz and David were hard to place, because they had enough right answers for a joint third place, but then again, they started and finished the treasure hunt first, so you could argue that actually they came first.

Sat 12 March



- with cheese and wine on the house.

It was a full house with not a seat free, as we were all keen to see what would happen (and delighted to see each other, of course).

In honour of St. Patrick's Day this week, here is a report in limerick form:

Crisis? What crisis?

- Well, our Chairperson, Treasurer and Membership Secretary had all given their notice that they were stepping down that day from the committee, which left the British Club with the threat of having to be wound up altogether due to lack of replacements for these posts. Our fate had to be decided at the AGM. So, what happened?

- So, huge thanks and a warm welcome to our new committee members: John, Ian, Adrian and Mark.

Chair - John Chaplin

Treasurer - Ian Leigh

Membership Secretary - Adrian Montague

Ordinary member - Mark Killick

Monica Edholm remains as our ever-faithful Secretary, Peter Martin as our Vice-Chair, Alan White as Poppy Appeal coordinator and Richard Huntley as an ordinary member.

We gave heartfelt thanks to our outgoing Chairperson Sheila Andersson, Treasurer Andy Hodgson and Membership Secretary Catriona Chaplin, for their dependable service to the British Club over the years, through hard work that often goes unnoticed.



Wed 24 November

Drop-in for lunch at Antikhallarna Latteria

Antikhallarna - 24 Nov 2021

Another friendly get-together with good food and plenty of laughter.

Wed 13 and Sat 23 October

Lunch/fika at Antikhallarna Latteria

Antikhallarna - entrance

Sixteen of us met up for a chat and refreshments on 13 October in the spacious café at Antikhallarna. It was a very cheery occasion, as some of us hadn't seen each other since before the pandemic. We arranged the same thing on Saturday 23 October and another 15 people came, which was just as jolly. We plan to make this a regular drop-in social event in future.

The British Shop is right next to the latteria, and members streamed in to stock up on Jelly Babies and chocolate oranges, among other treats. Poppies are on sale there to support the Poppy Appeal. (On the second occasion, there was actually a queue to get in to the shop. Those jelly babies must be very tasty ...)

Sat 18 September

Villa Belparc lunch and quiz

Villa Belparc verandah

After the success of our popular get-together at Belparc bistro in July, we met up there again for lunch and a quiz. We sat on their charming heated verandah and had a lovely time with friends old and new. Congratulations to June, who got all the answers right in John's September-themed quiz and was declared the winner.

Sun 11 July

Get-together and treasure hunt in Slottsskogen park

Slottskogen - Fountain at Villa Belparc

The pandemic has seriously curtailed our chances of meeting in real life for the past 16 months. Although the coronavirus is still around, many of our members have had their second dose of the vaccine by now, so the Anglo-Swedish Society suggested that our annual joint get-together in the park with a treasure hunt could be in person for those who feel comfortable with the idea of meeting at an outdoor bistro. People of all ages came - from 12 months to 93 years - and the summer breeze was quite strong enough to blow any virus away. It was a merry gathering with over 20 people having lunch at the spacious bistro.

Of the intrepid teams who tackled the Anglo-Swedish Society treasure hunt, we had no less than four joint winners, getting every question right. So three cheers for:

Anyone who wasn't ready for a physical gathering could do the treasure hunt whenever they wanted. The questions are still available at the link below if you want to print them and take them to the park, and Catriona can check your answers if you send them to her by email.


22 May


AGM gavel

This year, the AGM was held via Zoom to minimize the health risk because of the ongoing COVID pandemic. This meant we couldn't provide the usual free lunch, but several members turned up anyway, and it all went very smoothly.

The committee was reelected, but Gisela Barnard stepped down after many years of faithful service, as did Anette Dimming. It was agreed that the membership fee of 150 kr will remain the same next year (2022).

14 February

St Valentine's quiz


This year, we had to stay at home with a quiz, without the opportunity to look over the shoulder of the nearest Brit when stuck for an answer. How many did you get right?




COVID Christmas

COVID Christmas

Once again in 2020, the coronavirus interrupted our social plans and we couldn't have our very popular Christmas lunch. Traditionally, Keith has recited "The Twelve Days of Christmas Turkey", so this year many households were probably reciting it at home.

Sat 7 November

DIY Poppy Day Tea

DIY Poppy Day Tea cake

Because of the pandemic, our traditional afternoon tea was cancelled, which meant making our own tea, sandwiches and cakes at home, auctioning off items from the attic to ourselves, going into town to find a poppy box or swishing a donation to the Royal British Legion’s 2020 Poppy Appeal (or all of the above).

Just over one hundred families from the greater Gothenburg and Malmö communities opened their hearts and purses to make very generous contributions. The final total amounted to an impressive SEK 26 067. Donations were made in sums ranging from 10 kr to a single 600 kr. Thirty-one donations were over 200 kr. As always, the British Club helped by providing the bank facility and, in this special year when a Poppy Day Tea was not possible, by making a generous special contribution of 5000 kr.

Fri 27 March


Beatles on zebra crossing

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, we had to cancel our cosy social evening and keep our distance from each other ...

Beatles social distancing

It's all a bit scary but, like everyone else, we are well prepared:

The Scream - with toilet rolls

... not that we would hoard anything ourselves:

Did you need 144 toilet rolls?

But wait: the British government has a
four-stage coronavirus strategy.


We are trying to follow the recommendations:


1. Most importantly, wash your hands!
(Were yours ever this clean?)

But now I have washed my hands so much that my old exam notes have resurfaced:
exam notes on hand


2. Work from home
concrete mixer at home


3. Keep in trim. For example,
yoga for wine drinkers.


finish all those bottles of alcohol


4. It's good to talk:
conversation with a spider


5. Remember that every cloud has a silver lining. Not least, the pollution has been reduced dramatically:
killer whales at Camden Lock


6. Listen to soothing music, such as
Somewhere over the Rainbow (Hawaiian version).

Tues 10 March

Drop-in for lunch/fika at Antikhallarna café

This was a new initiative to meet up in the café at Antikhallarna on Västra Hamngatan (very close to Domkyrkan). The British Shop (also located in Antikhallarna) gave a 10% discount to British Club members that afternoon, so apart from enjoying each other's company and a nice lunch, we took the opportunity to stock up on comfort food from Blighty.


Antikhallarna was built originally as a grand bank, Skandinaviska Kreditaktiebolaget, and for years you would be welcomed by a courteous doorman, as one member recalled from his childhood. The grandeur is preserved to this day, but now the café and the British Shop take care of your cash instead.

We hope to make this a regular drop-in get-together (every 2nd Tuesday in the month, 12:00 lunch or 14:00 fika), so look out for notices on the coming events page and in the newsletter.

Sat 29 February


quiche + wine

The committee was reelected, but Stephanie Feldt stepped down (which means the club Facebook page may not be maintained) and Richard Huntley was elected as an ordinary member. It was agreed that club members who have reached the grand old age of 90 will get free membership. For everyone else, the membership fee of 150 kr will remain the same next year (2021).

The meeting was well-attended and afterwards we enjoyed a tasty buffet lunch and wine on the house.

Fri 14 February

SOCIAL EVENING - St Valentine's sweetie quiz


In which Barbara and Bernadette had everyone reminiscing to their childhood consumption of such sugary delights as Love Hearts, Sherbert Fountains and Dolly Mixtures. We then had to think even further back to who produced the first ever chocolate Easter eggs in Europe. Since the answer was Fry's in 1873, none of us were actually old enough to remember, but Steve and Mona worked it out and got the first prize.


Sun 8 December

Christmas lunch

Christmas pudding

We tucked into our Christmas turkey dinner in festive spirit. Everyone sang in the Christmas pudding (they wouldn't go until they'd got some) and Keith had everyone joining in with feeling to the alternative ode, The Twelve Days of Christmas Turkey.

Sat 9 November

Poppy Day Tea

Poppy Day Tea table

Our traditional afternoon tea was very popular this year, with 68 people filling Haga församlingshem for homemade sandwiches, cakes, raffles and an auction. (All takings go direct to the Poppy Appeal Fund.)

If you could not attend, please consider a donation, no matter how small, to bank giro 100-0819, stating your name and address and marked POPPY APPEAL. Thank you for your support to this very worthwhile charity.

Fri 25 October

SOCIAL EVENING - Fish & chips and a United Nations themed quiz

Sheila, Annette and Monica challenged our knowledge of the UN, UNHCR and UNESCO. Congratulations to Bernadette and David, who beat us all hands down.

Once again, the fish & chips were excellent and a good time was had by all. We were in stitches as Barbara read a collection of notices from church bulletin boards. Here is an extract:

church bulletin boards example

Fri 27 September

SOCIAL EVENING - Fish & chips and a travel quiz

union jack on sandcastle

In which Sheila, Annette and Monica made us rack our brains in their three-part world travel quiz. Liz's team outshone us all with their encyclopaedic knowledge of Scotland, New Zealand and islands near and far. Congratulations!

As usual, the fish & chips were top class and a good time was had by all. The evening ended with Jean reading Roald Dahl's light-hearted version of the Cinderella story, with its unexpected twist.

Sat 6 July

GET-TOGETHER in Slottsskogen


The Anglo-Swedish Society and the British Club invited the International Womens Club and other friends to the bistro. It bucketed down with rain and the bistro closed its shutters, but amazingly, that didn't stop 23 people coming along anyway to meet up. Luckily, we were welcomed into Villa Belparc's warm and dry café instead, and we improvised with the world's first indoor treasure hunt in which all the clues were outdoors. The winner was the one with the best imagination.

Fri 26 April



We met up with friends old and new from the International Women's Club and the Anglo-Swedish Society for a cosmpolitan evening at the Italian Club's locale in Gamlestaden. After an authentic Italian buffet, we put our thinking caps on for John's "Britalian" quiz and, from all the smiling faces on the way out, it was clear that a good time was had by all.

Fri 29 March

SOCIAL EVENING - Brexit fish & chips

union-jack and EU flags

Unfortunately, as in the UK, Brexit has pushed other priorities off our agenda, so we had no limerick slam this year. However, we were delighted that Susan saved the day with two excellent limericks she wrote for our amusement at the Brexit social. (She stresses that she makes no political commentary one way or the other, just describes the state of affairs). Here they are:

So we stuck to the planned date ("quiz means quiz") and filed through the lobby to get our fish & chips. Mr and Mrs Speaker kept the house in order when the honourable members debated the Brexit quiz questions; they all remained admirably civilized and even burst into song. In the end we were all in agreement that the evening was a success: the "ayes" had it.

Sat 23 February


quiche + wine

The committee was reelected, but Mike Batty and Jean Irving stepped down after many years of faithful service. Annette Dimming was elected as an ordinary member. Peter Martin was given the position of Vice-Chair and Jean replaced Lena O'Dowd as assistant auditor to Dudley Hicks. It was agreed to raise the membership fee (the first time for 40 years) to 150 kr from 2020.

The meeting was well-attended and afterwards we enjoyed a light lunch and wine on the house.

Fri 22 February

SOCIAL EVENING - St Valentine's jukebox


In which Jean and the Name-Droppers streaked ahead to claim the prize of a bottle of Gran Passione wine. The Touchy-Feelies were nudging up to them but didn't get to base 1. The level of passion in a rather raucous evening ranged from Truly Madly Deeply, Heart & Soul and Young Lovers to the unblushing Telephone Sex and Tonight's the Night. Special mention goes to Mike for a rendition of Telephone Man that left everyone gasping at all the places he could put it.


Sun 10 December


Christmas plate

We enjoyed a delicious Christmas turkey dinner and a festive spirit. The Christmas pud was welcomed in with a song and devoured in a flash. We even found space for a traditional English Christmas cake. Keith gave us his rendition of an ode to the turkey leftovers and, recognising the plight of a typical British family, everyone joined in heartily.

Sat 10 November


sandwiches and cakes

We gathered for a traditional afternoon tea with delicious homemade sandwiches and cakes (and of course, lashings of PG Tips tea). We had a very jolly time and the Poppy Appeal Fund will no doubt be very pleased, too. Thank you everyone who bought raffle tickets and auction items - all in a good cause.

We are proud to report that this event alone raised 8,290 SEK, which is a new record.

Fri 26 October

SOCIAL EVENING - Jean's literary quiz


We had a full house and tucked into Gothenburg's finest fish 'n' chips, made freshly on our doorstep by Robert, the geordie "master chippy". His lovely accent is part of the package - no extra charge.

Jean's quiz had us racking our brains over famous quotes, which were positively poetic! Jean L's team won impressively. (No, not the Jean who wrote the quiz - that would be cheating.)

Fri 28 September



We invited the International Womens Club and the Anglo-Swedish Society to join us at Gothenburg's spacious Italian Club, where we enjoyed a delicious Italian buffet. John held a challenging quiz with a "Britalian" theme, on the level of "What have the Romans ever done for us?" A most convivial evening with old and new friends.

Sat 7 July

with the Anglo-Swedish Society

English Shop hamper

We enjoyed a pleasant afternoon in good company at Villa Belparc, Slottsskogen. The food was excellent.

John's treasure hunt was much appreciated. Dudley and Kerstin scooped the first prize: a hamper containing all those treats you miss from Blighty, generously provided by the English Shop in Linné.

Sun 20 May

LUNCH in the park and toast to the royal couple

royal toast

British Club members met up to raise a toast to the newly-weds, Harry & Meghan. We had quite a party!

Villa Belparc, Slottsskogen

Fri 23 March

SOCIAL EVENING - Limerick Slam

In which, after the best fish & chips ever tasted in Sweden, the assembled gathering had to follow the strict "Limmo 2018" rules:

Our learned judges, Christel and Gwyneth, had to triple check all the votes to establish that, although Jan-Erik and Bernadette were outstanding, John and Catriona managed to get ahead by a nose and win half of the prize trophy each. Luckily, it has two handles:

limerick winners with trophy 2018

Souvenir compendium of the printable limericks available on request.

And if you just can't get enough of writing or listening to limericks, check out this opportunity to go to the eponymous town in Ireland and join the 'Bring your limericks to Limerick' competition (24-26 Aug 2018).

Sat 17 February


quiche + wine

The committee was reelected, but Lena O'Dowd stepped down as assistant auditor after many years of dedicated service. The position is now vacant, but Lena offered to be available until we find a replacement to assist Dudley.

We discussed, among other things, suggestions of alternative venues for our gatherings.

The meeting was followed by lunch and wine on the house in pleasant company. There were so many appreciative comments about the food that you could almost imagine that some people only come for the free lunch ...

Fri 16 February

SOCIAL EVENING - Catriona's St Valentine's film quiz


In which everyone had the virtually impossible task of matching romantic one-liners to likely and unlikely films. Lena and Mike were the triumphant winners.

Our readers did such a good job of portraying famous actors that they were all asked to read their quotes again. Keith even sang his - twice.

At the quote "Love means never having to say you're sorry", Norris cried out, "Well, that one has to be from Terminator!!"


Sun 10 December


Christmas pudding

We enjoyed a friendly tradition and an excellent turkey lunch. The flambéed Christmas pudding was welcomed in with a hearty rendition of "Glad tidings we bring to you and your kin. We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!"

Sat 11 November


poppy field

Afternoon tea with homemade sandwiches, cakes and three lotteries with fantastic prizes. We raised 9400 kr (over £855) for the Poppy Appeal Fund. Thanks to all for giving so generously!

If you could not attend, it is never too late to make a donation, no matter how small, by bank giro 5359-2069, stating your name, address and marked POPPY APPEAL. Thank you for your support to this very worthwhile charity.

Fri 20 October

SOCIAL EVENING - Jean's spooky quiz

three ghosts

In which (witch?) we tried to keep our heads while trying to remember who had lost theirs and terrorized unsuspecting visitors to their palaces. And who were those actors who played ghosts with heads still on?

Fri 29 September

SOCIAL EVENING - Keith's Pull My Leg game

Andy kept us in order as we tried to mislead each other about whether we were telling the truth or just "pork pies".

Silly walks

Well, if you weren't there to hear the truth behind the lies (or was it the truth?), ask them to spill the beans next time you join us.

Sat 1 July

GET-TOGETHER in Slottsskogen
with the Anglo-Swedish Society

summer get-together

A record 50 people came to the Villa Belparc bistro in Slottsskogen and enjoyed a pleasant afternoon together in glorious sunshine.

John ran an English-style treasure hunt, in which 18 enthusiatic teams and one dog competed. Four teams got all 13 answers correct and had to answer a tie-breaker question. Congratulations to Alexander on using his skill and judgement to scoop up the first prize.

Five teams came second with 12 answers correct and everyone else (including the dog) came third. We are very grateful to Paul at the English Shop in Linné for supplying the wonderful prizes.

Fri 5 May

SOCIAL EVENING - Stéphanie's 1940s music quiz

guitar union jack

In which we were serenaded and sang along while we tried to work out who the singers were and when they were born. Keith knew the songs by heart and even mimicked Winston Churchill so well that we felt ready to fight anyone on the beaches. Peter could remember watching Muffin the Mule (but then, Peter can pretty well remember being born). They were neck & neck, but Peter clinched it on the tie-breaker.

Fri 31 March

SOCIAL EVENING - Limerick Slam

In which Dudley, Susan, John and Catriona managed to win four of the three prizes for their original compositions, which made us giggle, gasp and guffaw.

limerick prize trophy

Susan raised the bar for next year with a limerick trilogy:

Souvenir compendium of the printable limericks available on request.

Sat 25 February


quiche + wine

Alan White stepped down as Treasurer after 12 years (and many more in the past), though he will remain on the committee. Andy Hodgson was elected as the new Treasurer. Gerry Montgomery resigned from the committee and Peter Martin was elected as a new member (with plenty of past experience on the committee). Monica continues as Club Secretary but Stéphanie will take over the liaison with caterers and Catriona will take over member bookings for events. All other positions are unchanged.

We discussed, among other things, how much to charge for our very popular events in order to keep up with costs.

The meeting was followed by lunch and wine on the house in pleasant company.

Fri 10 February

SOCIAL EVENING - John & Catriona's valentines game

heart Jaktslott guests

In which the Secret Admirers and Dancing Queens were the first to make their love matches, but the True Loves, Cupid's Bow and Transported by Love weren't far behind. Even the Lonely Hearts and the One Night Stands got the ones they were hoping for in the end.

Cupid's bow certainly hit the target when Maureen recited The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face. Susan transported us on a brand new pair of roller skates and the whole room jumped on to Vivien's bicycle built for two, although she emphatically assured us that she wanted Only You. Stephanie sang All of Me, whereupon all of us were in awe of her.

Dudley read the wonderful confession of love from Howard to Bernadette (although the names of these unfamiliar characters from The Big Bang Theory went round the room like Chinese Whispers and came back as "How to Burn a Debt??").

Jennifer put a whole new spin on I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, and Gisela couldn't help falling in love with Keith twice, despite the resounding response, "Not tonight, Josephine!".


Sun 11 December


Christmas pudding

We enjoyed a friendly tradition and an excellent turkey lunch. The new caterers even got a round of applause.

Sat 12 November


A well-attended afternoon tea with homemade sandwiches and cakes, a book stall and an auction. All food was generously supplied by members and gladly consumed by the guests. Our auctioneers Keith and Andy once again cheerfully helped us to see the Christmas-present potential in the donated auction items.

poppy day tea collage

A good time was had by all, and we raised a record 10 000 Swedish crowns for the Poppy Appeal. Thank you, everyone!

Fri 28 October

SOCIAL EVENING - Keith's Raconteur of the Year competition

In which:

a raconteur

Fri 23 Sept

SOCIAL EVENING - Stéphanie's TV jingles quiz

jing jangle quiz

In which we listened to oh-so-familiar theme tunes and hummed along even if we couldn't quite remember which TV programme they belonged to. Stéphanie gave us the extra challenge of matching them to their Swedish titles and we racked our brains some more. It was a dead heat between Sue & Andy and Dudley & Co. Congratulations!

Sat 2 July

'Meet up and mingle' in Slottsskogen park

- in association with the Anglo-Swedish Society


Members brought friends and family, ate in good company on the veranda at the Villa Belparc bistro, and the intrepid ones set off on John's treasure hunt around the park. Congratulations to the three prizewinners, Sebastian, Lotta and Jussi!

Fri 29 April

SOCIAL EVENING - Keith's Pull My Leg game

In which:

Silly walks

Fri 18 March

SOCIAL EVENING - Limerick slam

In which members and guests made us giggle and gasp at their original compositions, or the best limericks and funniest jokes they had heard somewhere.

limerick prize trophy

The judges, Margaret and Christel, brought a huge prize trophy and took their seats at the bench adorned with toilet-roll court wigs for the toilet humour, but they took their responsibilities very seriously.

Souvenir compendium of the printable limericks available on request.

Sat 20 February


A well-attended gathering with lunch and wine on the house. We discussed, among other things, how many guests we can squeeze in at our social evenings and Christmas lunch, and how we can relieve Monica and Sheila of the kitchen duties.

(The committee has since looked at alternative venues in Gothenburg but found them too pricey for our budget. We decided to carry on at the very popular Jaktslott, but with members pitching in to clear up after the meal.)

Fri 13 February

SOCIAL EVENING - John's St Valentines game


In which Cecilia showed Ingrid Bergman's feminist side, Peter gave a convincing impersonation of Ronald Reagan in his pyjamas and Stephanie asked Cary Grant to give up everything including his third wife for her. Keith was too shy to propose to Her Majesty, but Jean fearlessly persuaded Superman to put off saving the world for a bit.

Dudley had trouble keeping his bike on the road when he was struck by love at first sight, Monica was transformed into a romantic Elizabeth I, and Johan made plans to go out with a supermodel even though he really loved Juliet. Sue revealed a censored speech by Catwoman and Andy spontaneously sang Ringo Starr's Sweet Sixteen so beautifully that the whole room joined in as his backing group.


Sun 13 December


Christmas plate

Once again fully booked. We tucked in to a delicious Christmas dinner, with turkey and all the trimmings. Keith gave us a humorous reminder of the many ways to use up turkey leftovers, but in this case there weren't any!

Sat 7 November


Afternoon tea with homemade sandwiches, cakes, a book stall and an auction. All food was generously supplied by members, and our auctioneers Keith and Andy did a fine job of persuading us to bid madly for things we didn't even know we wanted. All in a good cause: the Poppy Appeal.

paper poppy

This year, Gothenburg and Malmö raised £1,975 - that's 25,464 Swedish crowns! Letter of thanks from the Poppy Appeal.

Fri 30 October

SOCIAL EVENING - Mike's quiz, fish & chips


Fri 18 September

SOCIAL EVENING - Catriona's Alphabet conversations game

(alias "Cat got your tongue?")

In which Keith, Barbara, Andy and Jean were far from tongue-tied, despite being given specific topics to talk about, and having to start each conversational turn on consecutive letters of the alphabet.

alphabet conversation

Jean steadfastly stayed on topic and was the outright winner - congratulations! Barbara narrowly beat Andy on points as runner-up, but if we had only been counting the number of words, Andy would have won a prize for impressive filibustering. Conversation topics were supplied by Maureen, and Sue nimbly assisted on the night.

Sat 4 July

LUNCH IN THE PARK (at Villa Belparc, Slottsskogen)

lakeside tables

A good time was had by all in pleasant company and perfect weather.

Fri 24 April

SOCIAL EVENING - Keith's Pull My Leg game

silly walks

In which Andy, Sheila and Jean managed to outwit John, Johan and Sue. Well done! Sheila really did have to dodge crocodiles on school outings, Jean nearly managed to steal a car and Andy fell through a roof but landed on his feet. Johan didn't meet Prince Charles in the Turkish bath at the RAC Club in Pall Mall, Sue didn't go to prison for a pub brawl and John wasn't an extra in the (real) film Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. The guests who were hardest to hoodwink were Catharina and Mariana - congratulations!

Fri27 March

SOCIAL EVENING - Limerick Slam

Margarets British Club limerick

Margaret's limerick (2nd prize)

* Christel won the first prize, but her limerick is copyright. Look out for her forthcoming publication!

Souvenir compendium of the printable limericks available on request.

Sat 28 February


with lunch and wine on the house

Fri 13 February

SOCIAL EVENING - Valentines theme

John's Jane Austen Proposals game, in which you might get a proposal like this:

Henry's marriage proposal

or have to make do with one like this:

Tom's marriage proposal

Well, at least it's better than being an old maid at the ripe old age of 27.


Sun 7 December


- traditional Christmas dinner with all the trimmings.

Christmas pudding

As usual, there was a scramble for the limited number of places at the feast. And as always, it was excellent!

Sat 8 November


- Cakes and sandwiches, lotteries and an auction.

Ceramic poppies at the Tower of London, Aug 2014

The first World War started in August 1914. It soon became known as the Great War - the war to end all wars. Millions died and many more were maimed and wounded. The war ended on the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, and 11th November has been the day of Remembrance ever since. The Royal British Legion was formed in 1921 by bringing together all the ex-service organisations, with the objective to ease the pain and provide practical help to ex-service personnel in need. The Flanders poppy was adopted as the Legion's emblem. Over the years that have passed, many more wars have been fought to keep our freedom and our democratic way of life, and the Royal British Legion now spends more than 1.6 million pounds every week helping ex-service men and women and their families.

This year, Gothenburg and Malmö raised £2270.85 - that's 29,863 Swedish crowns!

Fri 31 October

SOCIAL EVENING - Jean's Hallowe’en quiz

Fri 26 September

SOCIAL EVENING - Monica's seafaring quiz

- in honour of Sir Francis Drake's 1580 homecoming after circumnavigating the world

Sat 14 June


Villa Belparc, Slottsskogen

Fri 9 May

SOCIAL EVENING - Keith's Pull My Leg game

Fri 28 March


Mike's sports quiz and bangers from Korv United

Fri 14 February

SOCIAL EVENING - Catriona and John's St Valentine quiz

- to remember the love between Princess Lillian and Prince Bertil